Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 6, 2015

YOUTUBE: How I Make $2000 A Month on YouTube With No Filming


Description du cours

LATEST: Course Fully Updated For May 2015
Start making money, with no outlay and no experience whatsoever, immediately - just like my current 26,000+ students! Nothing to pay out at all. Work from anywhere in the world.
No website is needed - and nothing else is required.
NEW! Now includes 78 pages of niches you can profit from - instantly!
About this course:
  • Over 26,000 very happy students
  • No website, no backlinks or anything else is required
  • 200+ 5 Star Reviews from VERY satisfied students
  • Full, free lifetime access
  • All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free
  • Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!
  • Regular free surprise bonuses to increase your income even more!
  • Now includes 78 pages of niches you can profit from - instantly!
  • You also get full, free, unrestricted, access to my amazing YouTube Thumbnails Secrets Course - which sells right here on Udemy for $299
  • $2,000 a month with no outgoings, no outlay, nothing to pay out
  • 1 million views a month
  • 1 thousand subscribers a month
.... all on average and very easily, month after month, after month!
Today, you can start to make good money, easily, with YouTube, with no outlay whatsoever - and with ZERO prior experience!
Your initial goal is an easy $2,000 every month.
See real peoples' real earnings in lecture 2 (free preview!) below, please!
See my real earnings - on an independent site - in video 4, below, for free.
This complete course has been taken by over 25,000 students already - see the amazing reviews below!
YouTube has announced that, "thousands of YouTube users make over $100,000 every year" (that's $2,000 dollars every week!).
You will need no cameras or any equipment - I show you how to instantly access millions (literally!) of videos which you can use for free ... and I go into full detail showing exactly how you, like me, can use these videos for immediate success.
Based on my huge successes, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore not only my own YouTube channel, showing you precisely what I do to average more than $2,000 a month and get over a million new viewers a month.
Whether you already have a YouTube site or not, you can be quickly earning this sort of money from 30 minutes work a day ... just like me!
I stress that you need no prior experience and there's nothing to buy or pay for. Nothing!
You'll learn
  1. The right way to use titles
  2. The right way to use descriptions
  3. How to use tags to vastly increase your income
  4. Why I earn so much, month after month
  5. A secret to getting your videos to show up over other people's videos
  6. The 2 secrets of thumbnails - you must do both of these - for a long time I didn't .. my loss!
  7. What you must do with the subscribers box
  8. How to vastly increase your views and subscribers from the correct use of annotations - YouTube desperately wants you to do this, but most people ignore it!
  9. The playlists secret to multiplying your views many fold
  10. How to really understand the analytics on YouTube - for ever greater success
  11. How to get YouTube to advertise your channel around the world, for free
  12. How to get free music for your videos - no restrictions on usage
  13. How to get instant free access to millions of top quality videos which you can freely use
... and much, much more!
There is NEVER anything to pay!
So, you've read this far! Thank you.
The second video in this course can be seen by everyone and shows an independent site where you can go and see my earnings for real - it updates several times a week.
(You can even put any other YouTube users name in and see their earnings, day by day, too).
One final very important point.
If you don't have a current YouTube site, I spend a lot of time in this course showing you how to create your own YouTube niche, easily, using the millions of free videos.
You can have your own niche up and running this week, right after going through this course - and be earning immediately!
Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you money ...
Alun Hill

Quelles sont les conditions ?

  • You'll need nothing! All the videos, millions of them, are supplied free of any cost - there's nothing to pay at any time!
  • You'll just need 30 minutes each week to make more videos, check your earnings and make even more money!
  • No experience or knowledge is required - everything is shown in this video course!
  • Full English subtitles are included in every lecture!

Que vais-je tirer de ce cours ?

  • Plus de 81 des cours et 6 heures de contenu !
  • See precisely why I earn so much, month after month
  • Learn and see how I make at least $2,000 a month from YouTube, with no experience, no camera etc. And everything is supplied for free
  • See how to get instant free access to millions of top quality videos which you can freely use
  • See that you do no marketing or advertising or spending or promoting. YouTube does all this for free for you!
  • Know the right way to use titles for maximum profits
  • Know the right way to use descriptions
  • Learn an amazing secret to getting your videos to show up over other people's videos
  • Learn what you must do with the subscribers box
  • Learn how to get videos to the top of YouTube the correct way, with no cheating, every time
  • Know the "top-secret" way to get a million views per month, every month - easily
  • Know how to get free music for your videos - no restrictions on usage
  • Learn how to get YouTube to advertise your channel around the world, for free
  • Sit at home and, following the simple instructions in this course, make videos (millions of videos are supplied free of charge) and make money from Google's advertising program, AdSense
  • Know how to really understand the analytics on YouTube - for ever greater success
  • Know the playlists secret to multiplying your views many fold
  • Know how to vastly increase your views and subscribers from the correct use of annotations - YouTube desperately wants you to do this, but most people ignore it!
  • Learn the 2 secrets of thumbnails - you must do both of these - for a long time I didn't ... to my loss!
  • Learn how to correctly use tags to vastly increase your income

Quel est le public ciblé ?

  • Anyone who wants to easily make money online, with no outlay
  • Anyone from any country
  • Anyone of any age or ability - my youngest successful student is 8, my oldest is in her 80's!

Qu'aurez-vous avec ce cours ?

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2 nhận xét:

  1. Find out how 1,000's of people like YOU are making a LIVING from home and are fulfilling their dreams TODAY.

    Get daily ideas and instructions for earnings THOUSAND OF DOLLARS per day ONLINE for FREE.


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  2. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like me, participates in surveys and gives them their opinion.

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